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Types of conference rooms

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WeWork Staff

August 30, 2024

conference room types | Wework

Discover various conference room types, their layouts, and how to choose the right setup for your meetings to enhance productivity and collaboration.

Types of conference rooms

In the last few years, the world has evolved a lot, and so have we. Especially since the pandemic, video conferencing has made our lives easier. However, in-person team meetings and collaborations continue to remain significant. The personal connections and immediate interactions often make in-person meetings more effective and meaningful. And the best way to hold such in-person meetings is in a conference room. Today, let’s take a look at the various conference room types and their significance.

Why are conference rooms important?

Gone are the days when a simple table and a few chairs were enough. Now, you need different types of meeting room setups that adhere to the agenda of the in-person meeting. Some might need a tech-savvy room, while others might need a more relaxed environment. A well-designed conference room that suits the needs of your meeting will not only reflect your company’s values but also foster creativity and productivity.

Also read: Innovative ways to use a meeting room for your business

Types of conference rooms based on size and functionality

Various meetings need various kinds of conference rooms. It all depends on the number of people joining the session as well as the requirements of that particular meeting. Here are some types of conference rooms based on their size and functionality:

  1. Large conference rooms

If you plan to host a meeting with many people, you need large conference rooms. WeWork offers conference rooms equipped with video conferencing facilities. This means you can easily hold a meeting for up to 20 people with others dialling in from remote locations as well.

  1. Small conference rooms

Smaller conference rooms are perfect if you prefer an intimate space to have a chat only with your immediate team. Such spaces will have a few chairs and a table for you to sit and discuss business without being disturbed.

  1. Rooms with collaboration tools

If you need a tech-savvy room for your meetings, look no further as WeWork offers conference rooms that are fully equipped with a TV screen, whiteboard, video conferencing, and more. You can book these on the go and have an efficient collaborative session with your team.

  1. Rooms without tables

You don’t always need a table and whiteboard to discuss important things. Sometimes you need a relaxed and creative environment where you can freely discuss new ideas to come up with a solution. For these, you can try booking workspaces offered by WeWork with a more fun and relaxed environment.

Also Read: Workplace Culture: The key to employee satisfaction and business success

Types of conference rooms based on layout

Now that we’ve classified meeting room types based on size and functionality, let’s take a look at the types of conference room setups based on their layout:

  1. Boardroom style

Boardroom-style conference rooms usually have a large table in the centre, surrounded by chairs. These are perfect for meetings that require open discussion among participants.

  1. Classroom style

Classroom-style conference rooms have multiple rows of chairs facing the front, similar to a school classroom setup. This is ideal for training sessions.

  1. U-Shape

In this style, tables are arranged in the shape of the alphabet ‘U’ with chairs along the outside. This setup would be great for presentations that require audience participation.

  1. Hollow square

Here, tables are arranged in a large square with an open centre and chairs placed on the outside. The hollow square is ideal for group discussion and collaborative projects.

  1. Theatre/auditorium style

In this setup, several rows of chairs face a central stage or presentation area. It would be ideal for big conferences or speeches.

  1. Banquet style

Banquet-style conference rooms have multiple round tables with chairs surrounding each table. This is perfect for team-building sessions or social networking events.

  1. Huddle style

Huddle-style rooms are for quick impromptu meetings with your immediate team members. It is ideal for brainstorming sessions or one-on-one discussions.

Also Read: What is an Activity-Based Workspace and How it helps in Maximising Productivity


In short, there are multiple types of conference rooms and choosing the right one is paramount in making your meeting a success. The types of rooms set up for meetings depend on various factors, such as the number of people attending the meeting, the agenda of the meeting, etc. So, take those factors into consideration, choose the right kind of conference room for your meetings, book your perfect conference room on the go with WeWork to have a fruitful and collaborative session.

Conference room types
Types of conference rooms