WeWork BlueOne Square
Udyog Vihar, Gurugram · Mon to Fri: 9AM to 8PM; Sat: 10AM to 4PM
Whether your team is a creative agency, a lean startup, or a large enterprise, WeWork’s office space in Udyog Vihar puts your business in the centre of the action. With eight floors of inviting lounges, private offices, and meeting rooms, this pet friendly location is a popular hub for tech and finance companies. This workspace also has a dedicated game room and inviting outdoor space, which offer an unbeatable every day experience. With close proximity to many of the city’s best restaurants, bars, and retail shops at Ambience Mall and CyberHub, enjoy plenty of options for entertaining clients and celebrating team wins.

WeWork BlueOne Square
Mon to Fri: 9AM to 8PM; Sat: 10AM to 4PM
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