A space to make a life, not just a living
At WeWork, Culture is an integral part of our identity. From the first interactions to the colour scheme of our workspace, we've designed our spaces and experiences to bring our culture to life.
What is culture?
It’s the values and behaviour that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of our organisation. It’s a sum of our values and practices which serve as the “glue” to integrate everyone in the organisation. Culture is our organisation’s immune system.
Our spaces are designed to reflect our values and through this, employees feel more at ease knowing that the company is walking the talk. Culture is at the core of our business; it impacts our employees, members, and community.
From a desk to a private office, every one of our spaces reflects our culture through natural light, our unique design, ergonomic furniture and the way we interact.
Culture is a ‘work in progress’
At WeWork, we are constantly asking ourselves, how culture can help us achieve our business goals. We believe that our culture is “work in progress” as we are constantly taking a hard look at our culture as we evolve.
In the deck below are our values, the specific behaviors and skills we care about most and the different ways we live and breathe our values everyday. The more you can relate to these values, the more likely you will thrive at WeWork.
Download our culture deck for more information about how we do things.